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Welcome to Cours et Jardins!

Registered in Berlin since 2014 as a non-profit organisation, our administrative structure is located in the heart of the city of Berlin, at Skalitzer Strasse 27, 10999.

Our various activities are orchestrated by teams of dedicated, competent and autonomous professionals working in the management of educational and leisure activities .

Our aim is to offer you a wide range of educational and recreational activities, grouped into four main areas:

  1. Afterschool activities Nursery and Primary (École Voltaire): We accompany children during their afterschool time, offering them a place to learn and play after school hours.

  2. ThealinguaA method of learning languages through theatrical creation: We innovate in language teaching by using the power of theatre as a learning tool.

  3. Theatre workshops and professional training – Theatre courses: We offer improvisation courses (La liber) and theatre workshops (En scène), giving participants a space to develop their creativity and artistic expression.

  4. European projects: We promote exchanges and collaboration around innovative educational practices by organising European projects.  

Each year, our organisation reaches a target audience of around 3,200 children and 500 adults, supporting them in their learning and personal development.

Upcoming events

One week in France and then one week in Germany, between theatre and learning the partner language using the “tandem method”. For 12 to 14 year olds. Information here.

Train yourself in the Thealingua method:

become a Thealinguist and join a European network. The Thealingua Method is an innovative approach to the teaching and learning of foreign languages. At the interface of active teaching and the latest findings of cognitive science in education, the method trains actors, educators and language teachers. This training makes it possible to acquire a body of knowledge : a theoretical environment applied to theatre and language exercises, to acquire know-hows: the creation of specific environments for the teaching and learning of foreign languages, and to develop an awareness of the positioning of individuals.

All improvisation matches of La LIBER in Berlin. Book your place now.


Our past events