Inscription En


Inscriptions Périscolaire Maternelle
Informations Maternelle (planning et tarifs)

Règlement intérieur, conditions générales


Inscription périscolaire Élémentaire 
Informations Élémentaire (planning et tarifs Élémentaire)

Règlement intérieur, condition générale.

Fees are calculated based on the number of school opening days. Public holidays and bridge days are not counted. Each day of the week and each trimester give different results.

Invoices are sent to you at the beginning of the trimester by email. You can pay in installments upon request.

If your child is not at school or does not attend the after-school activities and is registered, the day will still be charged.

In case of registration during the school year, only the days from the registration will be calculated.

Elementary School Leisure Center RATES – ANNUAL REGISTRATION

InscriptionTarifsTrimestre 1Trimestre 2Trimestre 3
Tous les jours
74 €/semaine
Jour fixe
Accueillette jusque 16h30 : 7  €

Accueillette : €

Accueillette :

Accueillette :
Jour fixe
Accueillette jusque 16h30 : 7€

Accueillette : €

Accueillette : €

Accueillette : €
Jour fixe
30€/jour Pas d’Accueillette le mercredi
Jour fixe
Accueillette jusque 16h30 : 7€

Accueillette : €

Accueillette : €

Accueillette : €
Jour fixe
13,5€/jourAccueillette jusque 15h30 : 7€
Accueillette : €

Accueillette : €

Accueillette : €

Sibling discount: -10% for 2 children (elementary and preschool combined) on equivalent activity -20% from 3 children (elementary and preschool combined) on equivalent activity) No sibling discount is possible for Accueillette

Afterschool  for Maternelle Center RATES – ANNUAL REGISTRATION

InscriptionTarifsTrimestre 1Trimestre 2Trimestre 3
LibertéTous les jours74€/semaine
LundiJour fixe13,5€/jour
MardiJour fixe13,5/jour
MercrediJour fixe30€/jour
JeudiJour fixe13,5€/jour
VendrediJour fixe17,5€/jour

Sibling discount: -10% for 2 children (elementary and preschool combined) on equivalent activity -20% from 3 children (elementary and preschool combined) on equivalent activity) No sibling discount is possible for Accueillette


INFORMATION: No annual contract, on registration form giving us the necessary information to welcome your child. For your flexibility: you can register your child until the day before his/her arrival and by slipping a ticket in the morning in the Cours et Jardins attendance binder (Preschool) or by giving it to your child (Elementary School) who will give it to our animators. Please also notify us in advance by email or phone to let us know the desired day of attendance. Any child without a ticket and without a registration form will be refused and accompanied to the school secretary’s office.

RATES: Tickets S (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday): booklet of 5 tickets: 90€; tickets valid until July 2024. Tickets M (Wednesday): booklet of 5 tickets: 170€; tickets valid until July 2024. Tickets can be used until the end of the school year. Booklets for sale by sending a registration form and a simple email to:

Other Informations

Registrations for 2023/2024 can be made from July 5, 2023, by filling out a registration form per child and sending it to Cours et Jardins gUG by email ( or by mail.

Fees are due at the beginning of each trimester. An invoice will be sent to you by email at the beginning of the trimester.

Trimester 1: September 5, 2022, to December 16, 2022 Trimester 2: January 3, 2023, to March 31, 2023 Trimester 3: April 17, 2023, to July 6, 2023

For “Fixed Days” billing, public holidays and vacation days are not charged.

Registration changes are possible every trimester. You can communicate these changes by email ( or by mail on the following dates:

Change for the second trimester: from 11.12.2023 to 21.12.2023.

Change for the third trimester: from 12.03.2024 to 22.03.2024

No refund will be made in case of absence of your child (illness, school trip, exceptional closure of the school) You can cancel your registration at any time with a notice of 4 weeks.