Vacances En

Centre de loisirs

The Vacation Leisure Center welcomes French-speaking children aged 3 to 12 (from nursery school to CM2) during school holidays.

Two locations, two groups:

  • Nursery school children at the nursery school.
  • CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, and CM2 students at the elementary school gymnasium.

Supervised by activity leaders, we offer children various activities based on collective and discovery (arts and crafts, outdoor games, mini-projects, outings, etc.).

Parents provide lunch – the leisure center provides snacks. Children should bring clothes suitable for the season and an indoor outfit every day.

Children are welcomed in the morning from 8:30 am to 9:00 am. Parents are welcomed in the evening from 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm.

In case of cancellation less than 48 hours before the start of activities, the registered days are charged at 100%. In case of cancellation less than 72 hours before the start of activities, the registered days are charged at 50%.

In case of illness justified by a medical certificate, the missed days are not charged. For any other case of force majeure, please contact us as soon as possible.


For élémentaire :

GYMNASIUM of Voltaire School Kurfürstenstraße 53 D-10785 BERLIN

For Preschool:

Voltaire Preschool Lützowstraße 42 10785 Berlin


In order to offer a high-quality leisure center with healthy and eco-friendly snacks, as well as fun, cultural, and suitable outdoor activities, Cours et Jardins gUG applies a rate of €42/day/child.


Registration is done by the day. Registrations are made by filling out the form corresponding to the period and the class.

Règlement intérieur 

Mandat de prélèvement SE