Projet européens En

Cours et Jardins is supported by the Erasmus+ agency and is actively involved in several projects each year. We are involved in European initiatives that bring together theatre companies and public and private organisations from all over Europe. These collaborations aim to promote the values we stand for, strengthen international cooperation in the artistic field, and perfect or share our methods. In 2024, we are proud to participate in and support the following projects:

  • Thealingua Europa: A European cooperation partnership, validated for a period of two years. This programme is run by the Centre CREAL association in France and Cours et Jardins gUG in Berlin. On the menu: three meetings (LOS!, TEST!, BABEL!), aimed at adjusting our practices, testing and evaluating in the field, and celebrating and disseminating our results. We also aim to perfect a method together and translate it into German, create an ethical platform for exchanging ideas and practices, and organise eight quarterly videoconference meetings/trainings for the learning community.
  • Support engineering as a lever for educational innovation: A three-year project (from November 2023 to November 2026) led by the EAFC (École Académique de la Formation Continue) in Lyon, with the participation of six partner countries. The aim of the project is to define and pinpoint the notion of educational innovation, to analyse and model practices and support systems for this innovation, and to offer a set of resources on a European scale to encourage the professional development of the various players involved in educational innovation.
  • Artivists CAP2TRANSITION: A one-year programme (from September 2023 to September 2024) in collaboration with Fix In Art (Thessaloniki, Greece), aimed at strengthening the links between our two organisations and building a programme of training and exchanges around the concepts of transitions.
  • Grandir: A collaborative project with France, Denmark and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Growing Up will give around forty disadvantaged young people the opportunity to take part in the creation of a stage show. The project will be accompanied by a documentary.

We are delighted to contribute to these initiatives and to continue our commitment to European cooperation and innovation in education in Europe.