Formations professionnels EN

Cours et Jardins offers a range of training courses to help professionals
designed to support professionals in their development around three main themes: pedagogy, languages and theatre.

Cours et Jardins trainers are experts who are committed to
professional skills. They work on
oral skills, physical expression, group work and theatrical creation, in line with
theatrical creation, in connection with the psychosocial concept, i.e. human psychology
psychology in social life. These professionals are thealinguists, pedagogues, actors and trainers who put their skills to work for people interacting with individuals, taking charge of groups, teaching and leading.

Our courses aim to boost self-confidence, improve communication skills and
communication skills and foster creativity. Through an
interactive and dynamic approach, we encourage experimentation and the
exchange of ideas, enabling each participant to flourish and develop their
develop their potential.

Whether you’re a teacher, youth worker or professional in the social sector, our
our programmes are tailored to your needs and objectives.

Join us to enrich your practice and transform your teaching approach!
your teaching approach!